Monday, August 31, 2009

3 Years in Kingston

Known for copious amounts of scantily clad nubile wenches, more gun porn to make Charlton Heston get his old shrivelled rocks off and frozen moment of famous people, people who think they are famous and oh yes LA Lewis, the Afflictedyard chronicles the life of sweet stinking Jamaica in all its grimy and beautiful brilliance. You know, not your typical Jamaica Tourist Board experience. For some time there has been rumblings of a book, but three years on and still nothing to grace the tops of your naked coffee tables-oooh coffee good. The book contains much editorial collaboration with the sexy Germans form Seen that makes for a cleaner better product.
It seems however that all the waiting will soon be coming to an end. Now the many years in the wilderness, living the life of the underground sensation will be swapped for the good life of a successful artist as talks of a possible drop date so close it makes you simply itch with excitement. As the much anticipated book may make an appearance at the upcoming New York gallery showing of selected pieces from the Afflictedyard.

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